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 2013-12-24 GMT-5 hours   
I have recently received some not so positive comments concerning my decision to move the watermark on my images to the 3/4 position. Unfortunately, I have little choice. More and more of my AF.com images are being cut and pasted to other sites with the watermark cropped off the bottom. These images are easy to spot because they of course are no longer 1200x800. Off times these images are not credited to me, worse, they are incorrectly credited to the DOD or a US service branch. This gives people the impression the image is in the Public Domain. This leads to more copyright infringement and more theft of my intellectual property. Remember, just because an image is posted here, or on Facebook, or anywhere else, the copyright still remains with the individual who created the image. Sorry, but I will not switch back to placing the watermark at the bottom of the image. Those days are gone thanks to the minority who can't or will not play by the rules.

David F. Brown

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.” -Ernest Hemingway

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 2013-12-24 GMT-5 hours   
Sad to hear that - but it's of course your decision. I stay with my rule that none of my pictures receives an watermark (those big ones in the middle of the picture). People in aviation photography normally see directly that a picture is taken by me (Grimmi style :wink ) - the name is made since 1996 with my first homepages.

But my pictures here are to give pleasure to all those people out there, who had not the chance to see or photograph those aircrafts/airshows. And sometimes they write me some nice words - and that's wonderful.

And yes, I have also missed quite a lot of good shows ... here one before I was born, translated from german: .../... I'ts planned to see the following aircrafts overflying: twelve Pilatus Porter with parachutists, twelve Alouette II, sixteen Alouette III, sixty to eighty Venom, twelve to eighteen C-3605 with target towing, fourthy Hunter, eight Mirage III RS and sixteen Mirage III S .../...

And that was written in a magazine one month before the event, to take place at October 5th, 1972 in Emmen near Lucerne

where's my timemachine ????

Muuuuhhh - welcome in the land of milk and chocolate

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 2013-12-24 GMT-5 hours   
Come on Grimmi, you sound like on old man ... (at 37?) .

But to be honest I share your feelings, sadly those days are over ...

David, I understand your position but I refuse to punish the majority because of the minority.

Keeping my pics at 1200x800 or smaller if they are very special (to me), is my best defense.

Although 3/4 watermark is quite acceptable to me, if its not blocking the aircraft itself.

Sorry to see your pics are so popular ...

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Hunter Mk58

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 2013-12-25 GMT-5 hours   
Yes David, I absolutely understand you.
I have the same problem with stealing my pictures and that’s why I made the same decision with the watermark earlier. I changed to ¾ postition. One special case was then, when two of my axalp-shots from F/A-18’s were stolen. They took the pictures from my homepage, cut my copyright (position was bottom left) and reuploaded the pictures to a site from a big airshow in europe.
That’s the main reason, why I changed my watermark days ago. My first Airfighters-uploads have the watermark on bottom position.
For the pictures on my website I use the copyright-logo on bottom left and a watermark in the middle of the picture. The watermark is only very thin.
The problem about the pictures and the watermark is one big problem of our modern times. Many people think, that the internet is a big selfserving supermarket, were everyone can take whatever he/she likes and everthing is for free. Very sad, but true.

It is a possibility to keep pictures small Carl, I agree. But I like to show sometimes bigger pictures, so I have to defense myself in another way….
It is good and bad, when your pictures are popular like David’s pictures are….

I wish back the good old times, when a picture was a picture and not only bits and bytes and when the people knew the meaning of the word respect. Respect is a very rare thing in our days…

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 2013-12-26 GMT-5 hours   
In regards to stolen picture, I recently found one of my pictures from AirFighters on another website. The picture did not have
a watermark but my name was still at the bottom as copyright. I was never contacted by any one at any time. What I wonder about
is how did the picture get copied? Since I, the photographer, am not allowed to "touch" the shot after acceptance, I expected
there to be some protection or security. I am glad to share if you play by the rules.


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Hunter Mk58

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 2013-12-27 GMT-5 hours   
Well Robert, there is no protection against copying the pictures I think. The case about my Axalp-pictures isn’t the only one.
I found pictures from me on a site that offers pictures as desktop backgrounds, I also found someone using one of my pictures as a avatar in his forumprofile. I think, that it can’t be difficult to copy pictures, if they could do.

But there are nice, honest and respectful people outside the aviation photography community that also like my well known style of making pictures. They ask for pictures

That’s why I can sell sometimes a picture like I did those days. I sold one of my Axalp-pictures on canvas. These things make me really happy and proud. It says, that I’m doing a good work and people like it

When I look to the number of visitors on my homepage, then I see that my photos are quite popular in the german speaking countries. If your pictures have reached some popularity, then it is possible, that some bad guys out there try to steal some of your photos…

I wish back the good old times, when a picture was a picture and not only bits and bytes and when the people knew the meaning of the word respect. Respect is a very rare thing in our days…

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phantom phixer

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 2014-01-23 GMT-5 hours   
I'm afraid I'll have to agree Mr. David F. Brown.

Up until recently I was safe knowing my pictures are not good enough so no-one bothered stealing them. Today I found out I was wrong with the second part of my assumption. One of my pictures (my most popular from this site) had been used on a "news blog". It was entirely my mistake. Had the watermark been less discrete they wouldn't have done it.

Now, I've left them a message telling them what they did was wrong, they should ask for photographer's permision AND give full credit once they get it. I asked them to either credit me or remove the picture ASAP or else. But I know and they know my bark is much worse than my bite.

I should have known better...

Kostas D. Pantios

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 2014-02-04 GMT-5 hours   
I recently found another image in use on a Facebook page. The watermark was cropped off. When I took the user to task I was told, "your laws don't apply in my country." I informed the user, "Facebook is headquartered in MY country." The image came down. This is the kind of sh*t that has forced me to move the watermark to the center of the image.

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.” -Ernest Hemingway

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 2014-02-04 GMT-5 hours   
That is ridiculous! I'm pretty sure most photographers would give permission if they would just ask.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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Hunter Mk58

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 2014-02-04 GMT-5 hours   
admin :
That is ridiculous! I'm pretty sure most photographers would give permission if they would just ask.

This is the point ray!
If people would ask, must photographers would give the pictures with their copyright in the picture. I did it myself with websites that ask, then I give my pictures for use on this site (only for the specific site).
The big problem is, people don't ask, they just take (steal)! No respect for others work or others property.

No respect is one the the biggest problems of our modern times, I know what I'm talking about....

So I understand dave absolutely!

I wish back the good old times, when a picture was a picture and not only bits and bytes and when the people knew the meaning of the word respect. Respect is a very rare thing in our days…

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 2014-02-08 GMT-5 hours   
That seems to be an issue if the photos are that popular and make "Top of the Day" so often :wink
Fortunately I do have these kind of problems ::2thumbs_grin}
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Peter Terlouw

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 2014-02-08 GMT-5 hours   
I recently also had a few of my photos taken from Airfighters and put on Facebook with the copyright cut off. Maybe it is an option to disable the right click "save as" on the photos here at Airfighters?

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Hunter Mk58

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 2014-02-08 GMT-5 hours   
Andreas :
That seems to be an issue if the photos are that popular and make "Top of the Day" so often :wink
Fortunately I do have these kind of problems ::2thumbs_grin}

Yes Andreas, your pictures are very often «Top of the day».
But is it really a fortune to be on the top and as a reason of this issue, your pictures get stolen?
I don’t know, but this sounds a little bit strange to me…

Most people here (like me) have a big passion: AVIATION!
Some are in this community as members, some as photographers (like you and me). Most of us only make pictures as a hobby (like me). Some are maybe professionals (like you?) and earn good money with their photos. We as hobby-photographers are proud, if someone is asking for a picture or (in rare cases) buy a picture.
But the biggest incentive is to get THE picture. I mean, I allways try to get better pictures, special views, special angles, etc.
THIS is my incentive and therefore I give all my heart in this passion. If someone is stealing one of my pictures, it’s like hurting me with a lance, directly in my heart!

Watermark in the pictures are needed as long, as there are people out there without respect for the others property! Sad but true…

I wish back the good old times, when a picture was a picture and not only bits and bytes and when the people knew the meaning of the word respect. Respect is a very rare thing in our days…

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 2014-02-09 GMT-5 hours   
Interesting story of how a blogger was sued for using an image without permission.

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.” -Ernest Hemingway

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 2014-02-09 GMT-5 hours   
Peter Terlouw :
I recently also had a few of my photos taken from Airfighters and put on Facebook with the copyright cut off. Maybe it is an option to disable the right click "save as" on the photos here at Airfighters?

Disabling "Right Click, Save As" will not help. There are several ways to get the photos.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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