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 2008-01-27 GMT-5 hours   
Hello guys,

Had to edit, I've asked all my photos off from Planespotting.net.

Me and their staff do not came to an agreement about the rejections reasons. I'm very sorry.

Your comments about my photo and the rejection here in Airfighters will be much appreciated!

Best regards,


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 2008-01-27 GMT-5 hours   
Understandably a bit frustrating getting your first photo rejected.

It is difficult to comment without seeing the original upload; I took a look at the full size photo on Planespotting.net and based on that image I would agree with the screener's rejection criteria. It looks as if it has been too compressed (but that might be that site's upload process which has done that). Your airliner photos on Airfleets are wonderfully clear and sharp, this photo is just not in the same category unfortunately.

Regards photos being accepted on other sites but rejected here, that seems reasonable to me. Airfighters needs to set its own selection criteria to be able to stand out from the other sites. And who is to say that Airliners.net or Planespotting.net are the sole decision makers of what is an excellent photo or not?

Good luck and hope to see your military photos here very soon


Appears to be thinking...

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 2008-02-03 GMT-5 hours   
I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination but that shot of the B2 is very dull and lifeless to my eyes. It is a difficult subject to shoot, my advice to you would be "keep shooting and keep posting"
All the best

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 2008-02-09 GMT-5 hours   
If I see your civilian pics, they are sharp and noise free, unfortunately the B2 is not.
Even the name of the aircraft is wrong, must be "Northrop".
I see the site "planespotting" accepted this, says enough about their "quality"

You can always correct your photograph and re-upload ...


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